Ch. Rytonion Morris Minor

Normal Heartcheque 2008
Eyetest 2006 
MRI-Result July 2009 Grade A (Dr. C. Rusbridges)

"Matty, the Moggy"

Thank you to Bill Moffatt and Shealagh Waters for
entrusting us in co-ownership with Matty.

Nationale Show Cloppenburg '07:
CAC, Judge: Gaby Runge, Germany

Europasieger-Show Dortmund '07
CAC + RCACIB, Judge: Norma Inglis, UK

Jahrhundert-Sieger-Show Dortmund '06:
CAC, Judge: Andreas Schemel, Österreich

Clubshow Switzerland 2006:
Clubwinner + BOB
Judge: Michael Levy, UK

Clubshow France: 1st place Intermedia-class
Judge: Mrs. L. Hughes, UK

CAC-Show Wendeburg: BOB
Judge: Dr. L. Lauritsen, D

Landessiegerschau Wendeburg: Landessieger + CAC
Judge: M. L. Siemonsmeier, D

Matty had some excellent placings during the last month in the
English Show-Ring.

Photo: Rose-Lill Joansson








Keyingham Matthias

Chacombe Chattanooga

Nevhill's Nashville

Clopsville Moonbeam of Charmsbourne x Nevhill's Victoria

Ir. Ch. Moorfield Beatrice

Casata Moonlight of Chacombe x
Moorfields Eugenie

Ch. Keyingham Philanthe

Nevhill's Nazareth

Ch. Cavaleigh Alexander x
Nevhill's Narnia

Ch. Keyingham Rowena

Nevhill's Nashville x Deranmar Artemis at Keyingham

Rytonion Zaphira

Maibee Lorphil Lagonda

Maibee McLaren

Maibee Murphy's Law of Penemma x Maibee Mercedes

Maibee Indianna Rose

Indianna Maibee x Rytonion Precious Rose of Maibee

Ch. Maibee Sandra Dee

Ch. Lymrey Royal Scandal of Ricksbury

Ch. Ensmere Royalist x Ch. Lymrey Top of the Pops

Maibee Jenni Lee

Ch. Toraylac Joshua x Maibee Betty Boops

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